Why Should You Be Thankful for Yourself, and How Can You Do It?


Self appreciation

Self-appreciation is the act of redirecting the kindness you show to others.

Self-appreciation is about saying "thank you" to yourself for all the things you have done but taken for granted, rather than condemning yourself for making mistakes or forgetting to do things.

Self-esteem is not the same as self-appreciation.
The process of appreciating oneself is known as self-appreciation. Being grateful for yourself is what it means to appreciate yourself. You could be:
        • We are grateful that your body is in good working order.
        • I am grateful for your natural talents and gifts.
        • You should be grateful for your flaws as well.

"For example, even though I'm not particularly good at leading a team or negotiating a deal, I value my introvert's quiet and reflective nature."

 Self-esteem, on the other hand, is a subjective assessment of one's own value. It's a decision. Respect and adoration are the foundations of self-esteem. You have high self-esteem if you regard yourself as someone deserving of respect and appreciation. You have low self-esteem if you don't.

People may have strengths in certain areas, but they may not recognize them. Two people could value the same strength differently.

Take the introvert once more as an example. Some people believe being silent is a positive attribute, while others believe it is a negative trait. Neither of these are true of self-appreciation. You don't assign a value to your introverted personality. Because quality can be a strength or a weakness depending on the situation.

Being self-aware does not imply being egoistic.

Also, being self-aware is not egoistic. Some may think, "I can't toot my own horn." I'll be conceited or arrogant. Someone else should give you praise and acknowledgement."

That, however, is not the case. Self-appreciation, as opposed to self-esteem, is all about being kind to yourself. Dr. Kristin Neff referred to this as Self-Compassion in her book of the same name.
"You don't improve your self-image by appreciating yourself.
You're simply grateful."

 Our bodies vary in shape and size. People who value themselves would treat their bodies with kindness and make the best use of what they have.

People who are driven by their ego, on the other hand, will judge their bodies as either beautiful or ugly. If their body does not match their ideal self-image, they will shape it to achieve perfection. And there's nothing wrong with having a better-looking form.



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