Why is it important to first appreciate yourself?

Appreciate yourself

According to a Psychology Today article, self-appreciation is a valuable skill to have because it goes beyond self-compassion and self-esteem to allow you to truly appreciate who you are. It not only allows you to reflect on the difficult things you've done, but it also allows you to reflect on your strengths and build confidence. However, it is not always simple to express gratitude to oneself. Between the constant social media feeds filled with highlight reels of other people's lives and the sometimes-extreme body types and social expectations shown in television and movies, it can feel like there's no way you can measure up or that it's difficult to find what you appreciate about yourself.

1. Take a step back and consider where you've been in your life. Reflection is an easy way to show self-appreciation. Reflecting, according to an article published by The Open University, allows you to learn new skills by looking at how and where things have gone (The Open University, 2021). Looking back on where you came from can provide you with confidence in truly understanding where you can go in the future (The Open University, 2021).

2. Invest in your physical health. This does not imply going on a diet or beginning an extreme exercise regimen. It entails ensuring that your body is fueled by foods that make you feel good and that you engage in regular physical activity. Science has shown that taking care of your body and investing time in your physical health can help you appreciate who you are and what your body is capable of (Stonsy, 2021).

3. Invest time in what you value. Connecting with something bigger than yourself and finding meaning in what you value might help you respect yourself by allowing you to feel more connected and meaningful. Finding out what you value can be difficult, but according to Psychology Today, an easy exercise that can help you narrow down what you value is appreciating those around you. Make a list of 5 persons you admire or consider role models. Consider why those people are significant to you and the values they represent. This may also assist you in realizing some of the principles you embody (Selig, 2021).

4. Examine how you speak to yourself. We all have an inner monologue, and that inner monologue can be our worst enemy at times. One thing you can do is recognize your negative self-talk cycles. For example, try to notice when your inner monologue becomes more negative. Once those cycles have been identified, you can begin to reverse them. For example, if you begin to doubt yourself about something you are about to do or have done, allow yourself to turn the fear and doubt into an opportunity and turn it positive frequently leave ourselves off our gratitude lists, but it is critical to show self-appreciation. By acknowledging and reflecting on where you've been and where you want to go. You can show yourself the same gratitude you would show others by recognizing and reflecting on where you've been and where you can go, investing in your physical health, determining what you truly value, and finally evaluating the way you talk to yourself.



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